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Our Blog

musician preparing to preform in front of a crowd
5 Tips To Conquer Performance Anxiety (For Musicians)
November 9, 2023

96% of musicians report feeling anxious and nervous during a performance, but there are strategies to help conquer the fear for…

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Nurse that is frustrated in hospital
How to Avoid Nursing School Burnout
October 10, 2023

Learn ways for nursing students to avoid burnout and overcome the feeling of wanting to quit. Nursing school burnout is becoming…

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A dog with glasses & nose impersonating a human
Overcoming Imposterism: 9 Strategies for Managing Self-Doubt
October 4, 2023

Imposterism is an all too common challenge many face without conquering. Yet, there is hope in overcoming it. What Is Imposterism…

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open quotes


  • TAO m’a aidé en me donnant des outils de base pour poursuivre le bien-être dans mon quotidien et m’a aidé à commencer à trouver des réponses aux questions. Comme pourquoi le drame se produit dans les relations et comment je peux m’aider à me calmer dans une situation de stress élevé.

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