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Employee Mental Health Programs

In business, everyone can benefit from engaging and effective mental health resources. Whether those are skill development in communication and problem-solving or robust protocalled programs for problems such as anxiety, depression, and burnout. TAO Connect’s employee mental health programs can be used in many ways throughout an organization.

Far beyond Employee Assistance

Individualized and customized anonymous self-help provides employees with evidence-based interactive sessions in a wide array of topics on demand.


of US workers

Suffer from work-related stress.



Lost to US businesses yearly as a result of workplace stress.


of US employees

Think their employers care about their work-life balance.

Supporting Employee Mental Health

How Employers Can Use TAO

Feature 1

Professional competency

Training in communications, problems solving, emotional intelligence, fostering well-being and mindfulness.

Feature 2

Employee Onboarding

Soft skills such as communications, dealing with conflict, and relationships along with sexual harassment prevention, and diversity training.

Feature 3

Self-guided programs

For common problems from situational problems such as perfectionism and procrastination to more serious concerns such as burnout, anxiety and depression.

Feature 4

Certificate Program

Create workshops and wellness training for staff development.

open quotes


  • TAO m’a aidé en me donnant des outils de base pour poursuivre le bien-être dans mon quotidien et m’a aidé à commencer à trouver des réponses aux questions. Comme pourquoi le drame se produit dans les relations et comment je peux m’aider à me calmer dans une situation de stress élevé.

Mettez-vous sur la voie du bien-être
avec TAO

Chemin à travers un champ au coucher du soleil